Services are held each Sunday at 10.00 am and usually last around an hour. We have an average attendance of approximately seventy people, with about thirty-five children and young people attending Y.Church (our Sunday morning sessions for children and young people) over the course of the year. Every fourth Sunday is an All-Age Service when the whole of the congregation stays together for the whole service. Holy Communion is celebrated once per month, with a family Communion service held four times per year.
Our worship group plays an active part in Sunday mornings, leading worship on average 2 or 3 times a month. Most worship song words are projected onto the overhead screen, but occasionally Mission Praise hymn books are used. There are no mid-week services except at Christmas and Easter.
Many of our services are led by members of our own congregation, and we are also blessed to have visiting preachers to lead our services. Over the years we have built up a pool of about twenty people from a variety of denominations, who are invited to lead our Sunday morning worship, depending on their availability.
We try to cater for all the needs of our congregation and have a loop system, wheelchair access and disabled toilet, as well as a creche and nappy-changing facilities available for families with young children.
We are also blessed with several members of our own congregation who are proficient at leading worship.
There have been no conventional evening services for some time, but people are invited to join with the Anglican congregation at St Philip & St James’ Church in the village.